Wednesday, February 8, 2012

90-92. Healings, Rejection, and Prayer for Workers


90. Jesus heals the blind and mute: Matthew 9:27-34

The two blind men addressed Him as the Son of David which showed they were aware that He was in the messianic line (Matthew 12:23; 15:22; 20:30-31). This faith resulted in their healing. Even though Jesus warned them not to tell, they spread the news about Him throughout the region. 

This is also symbolic of His power over darkness. He made darkness into light before them. Blindness is also symbolic of spiritual unbelief and ignorance (Isaiah 6:10; Matthew 15:14; Romans 11:25). He would not only heal physical blindness but spiritual blindness as well.

Jesus delivered the dumb (mute), demon-possessed man. While this was caused by a demon, not all physical afflictions are caused by demonic influence (Matthew 10:8). This healing and deliverance caused the multitudes to marvel, but the religious leaders accused Him of casting out demons by the power of the devil. 

Jesus refutes this in Matthew 12:22-37 which is later in the Matthew chapters but already covered chronologically in Event 74. (Matthew's gospel is all broken up when you look at it chronologically!)

91. The people of Nazareth refuse to believe: Matthew 13:53-58, Mark 6:1-6

Here marks a transition from Jesus' ministry in the region of Galilee to the regions outside.  During this time, His ministry focus shifted more toward the disciples as He sent them out (the Greek word apostellō means "sent away") two by two as His authorized representatives to preach repentance, drive out demons, and heal the sick. This was their "practical training" time!

His opposition and rejection (even by His hometown!) increased during this time, and He revealed more and more to His disciples who He really was. 

92. Jesus urges the disciples to pray for workers: Matthew 9:35-38 

Matthew 8:35 again reveals Jesus' threefold ministry already communicated in Matthew 4:23: 

  1. Teaching in the synagogues (to the Jews who were His primary target because they knew the prophecies about Him and would be His agents to spread the news), 
  2. Preaching the good news of the kingdom (which involved entrance by faith and not traditions), and 
  3. Healing disease and sickness (to authenticate His divinity). The crowds formed, and He felt "deep sympathy" (splanchnizomai in Greekfor them because their current shepherds had not led them on a path to the kingdom.
Jesus wanted additional workers so that He could delegate the task of reaching others with the good news of the kingdom after He went back to be with the Father. He asked the disciples to pray toward this end. 


I remember exactly the time (1979) and place (Aldersgate Conference Center) when Ron York, of the Navigators, challenged us to pray for laborers for the harvest! It was life-changing, and I have been doing it ever since. And after all these years, I have seen so many wonderful things happening!

There are people all over the world who have yet to hear the good news of the kingdom. Let's pray that the Lord of the harvest would send out workers into His harvest fields!

Operation World is a great place to start. 


Lord of the harvest, would You please send out people who will labor in the harvest fields of the world. I pray some of those people would be reading this post right now and hear Your call. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking this morning that I want to catch up on my world intercession. This was a good reminder. I have the greatest app for this, and I often do it on my walks which I am going to go on right now!
