Thursday, March 29, 2012

227-229. Friday - Pre-dawn to 9 am

Friday is about 70 minutes of reading split into readings throughout the day to coincide with the approximate time of each event. If you want to start reading before dawn, check the sunrise time for this particular Good Friday. 

This first Good Friday reading is only about 10 minutes. 


Early Friday Morning before Dawn (when the "cock crowed")

227. Peter denies knowing Jesus: Matthew 26:69-75, Mark 14:66-72, Luke 22:54-65, John 18:25-27

It is just before dawn, and these denials occurred either during Jesus's trial with Annas (John 18:12-24) or Caiphas (Matthew 26:57-68; Mark 14:53-65).  The three denials are in such contrast to his boast to lay down his life for Jesus (John 13:37) and the cutting off of Malchus' ear during the arrest (John 18:10). How ironic that a relative of Malchus would ask the final question that prompted the final denial! Don't lose hope on Peter though. Those three denials will be followed by three affirmations by Peter in John 21. Stay tuned!

Friday at Dawn

Religious Trial Three

228. The council of religious leaders condemns Jesus: Matthew 27:1-2, Mark 15:1, Luke 22:66-71

Luke's account of this event gives the most detail. At daybreak (because it was illegal to meet at night), Jesus was led to the third Jewish trial before the Sanhedrin (council of elders). They were the official judicial body of the Jewish nation. It was also considered the final court of appeals. Jesus said He was the Son of God and would be seated at the right hand of God. Jesus was pronounced GUILTY of blasphemy. Now, Jesus had to be handed over to the civil court of the Romans because the Jews were not allowed to sentence anyone to death. The leaders refused to believe; just as Jesus said.

229. Judas hangs himself: Matthew 27:3-10

Matthew is the only gospel writer who records the suicide of Judas. He felt remorse and did not want the money he was paid (the price of a slave, Exodus 21:32), but the priest could not use tainted money (Deuteronomy 23:18). Acts 1:18-19 adds more details to the story of Judas. So sad. See the prophecies in Zechariah 11:12-13 and Jeremiah 19:1, 4, 6, 11.


Please use this day to ask God to search your heart for any sin in your heart and to thank Jesus for being our sin offering.


Search us, O God, and know our hearts;
Try us and know our anxious thoughts;
And see if there be any hurtful way in us,
And lead us in the everlasting way. (Psalm 139:23-24)

Thank You Jesus for being our sin offering and our High Priest so that we might have access into God's very presence. Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. God timed this perfectly to be rereading this on the dawn of a new day. :)
