Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Read Through the Gospels Chronologically: January 1, 2025 to Easter, April 20th to Pentecost, June 8th

Come along and read through the Gospels in 2025!

Easter is April 20, 2025. The schedule in the margin to the right is geared toward the earliest occurrence in the next 100 years (March 25, 2035). 

Easter is later this year. So, you have many days (March 12-April 11) of reading flexibility before you arrive in Bethany (#182)

Friday, April 11: 182 Arrive in Bethany


Palm Sunday, April 13: 183 
Monday, 14184-188 
Tuesday, 15
a.m. - 189-200 
p.m. - 201-208 
Holy Thursday, 17
Before Sunset to 9 p.m. - 209-214 & 215-222
(Last Supper/Upper Room)
9 p.m. to Pre-Dawn - 223-226 
(Garden, Arrest, Trials)
Good Friday, 18
Pre-Dawn - 227-229 (Denial, Trial, Death)
After Daybreak - 230-232 (Roman Trials)
9 a.m. - Sunset - 233-237 (Crucifixion)
Saturday, 30: 238 (Tomb Sealed)
Resurrection Sunday, April 20: 239-244 
(AM 239-242, PM 243-244)

April 28: 245 
May 4: 246-247 
May 18: 248-249 

Ascension Thursday, May 29250
Pentecost Sunday, June 8: Acts 2 - Fifty days later.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Reading Through the Gospels Chronologically from January 1 - Easter

The schedule below is geared toward the earliest occurrence of Easter (March 25, 2035) so you can spread these readings out according to the date of Easter for the particular year. Just make sure you arrive in Bethany (Event #182) the Friday before Good Friday

(FYI: Easter ranges from March 22-April 22. The earliest Easter within the next 100 years is March 25, 2035, and the latest is April 25, 2038.)

Downloadable Word document of this blog:

Volume 1: The Harmony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

The schedule in the right margin of this blog (and below) is hyperlinked to the posts for that particular day. 


2. 3 (or December 22)
3. 4-5 (or December 23)
4. 6-7 (or December 24)
5. 8-10 (or December 25)
6. 11-12 (Kings' Day)
7. 13-15
8. 16 & 17
9. 18
10. 19-20
11. 21-22
12. 23
13. 24-26
14. 27-29
15. 30-32
16. 33-35
17. 36-37
18. 38-39
19. 40-41
20. 42-44
21. 45-47
22. 48
23. 49
24. 50-53
25. 54-57
26. 58-62
27. 63-65
28. 66-67
29. 68-69
30. 70-71
31. 72-74


1. 75-76
2. 77-78
3. 79-86
4. 87
5. 88
6. 89
7. 90-92
8. 93-94
9. 95
10. 96
11. 97-99
12. 100-101
13. 102
14. 103-105
15. 106-108
16. 109-110
17. 111
18. 112-113
19. 114-118
20. 119-122
21. 123-124
22. 125-127
23. 128-129
24. 130-133

25. 134-138
26. 139-140
27. 141-144
28. 145-147

(This month there are many days that "double up" but remember you have extra time according to when Easter falls for this year.) 

1. 148-150 & 151-152
2. 153-154
3. 155-158
4. 159-161
5. 162-163 & 164
6. 165-168
7. 169-170
8. 171-172
9. 173
10. 174-175
11. 176-177 & 178
12. 179 & 180-181

The next reading is not until the Friday before Good Friday

Holy Week is a LOT of reading, but it is REALLY meaningful to read along with the events that happened on that particular day of the week so make sure and catch up! 

I have just the Holy Week posts in one document now if you want me to send it to you by email instead of reading it online. I printed it all off and put it in a little binder this year. Download it here: 


Friday: 182 -Arrival in Bethany

Saturday: Sabbath Rest Day

Palm Sunday: 183 


Tuesday (65 minutes of reading)
a.m. - 189-200 
p.m. - 201-208 

Wednesday: REST and PRAY
Thursday (85 minutes of reading)
Before Sunset to 9 p.m. - 209-214 & 215-222
(Last Supper/Upper Room)
9 p.m. to Pre-Dawn - 223-226 
(Garden, Arrest, Trials)

Good Friday (70 minutes of reading)
Pre-Dawn - 227-229 (Denial, Trial, Death)
After Daybreak - 230-232 (Roman Trials)
9 a.m. - Sunset - 233-237 (Crucifixion)

Saturday: 238 (Tomb Sealed)
Resurrection Sunday: 239-244 
(AM 239-242, PM 243-244) 

Eight Days Later: 245

Two Weeks Later: 246-247 

Three Weeks Later: 248-249 

Ascension Thursday250 – Forty days later 

Pentecost Sunday: Acts 2 - Fifty days later.

I am using "250 Events in the Life of Christ/A Harmony of the Gospels" from the Life Application Concise New Testament CommentaryIt is also on p. 1931-36 in the Life Application BibleThe numbered events will always be above so you can press on the links to 

Call me crazy . . . about Jesus!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

250 Events in the Life of Christ

The format below was found at a site that has now expired. I corrected the text and fixed the broken links. It is from the Life Application New Testament Commentary.

Happy reading!

I. Birth and Preparation of Jesus Christ


7. John the Baptist is born

8. An angel appears to Joseph

9. Jesus is born in Bethlehem

10. Shepherds visit Jesus

11. Mary and Joseph bring Jesus to the Temple

12. Visitors arrive from eastern lands

13. The escape to Egypt

14. The return to Nazareth

15. Jesus speaks with the religious teachers

16. John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus

17. The baptism of Jesus

18. Satan tempts Jesus in the wilderness

19. John the Baptist declares his mission

20. John the Baptist proclaims Jesus as the Messiah

21. The first disciples follow Jesus

22. Jesus turns water into wine

II. Message and Ministry of Jesus Christ


23. Jesus clears the Temple

24. Nicodemus visits Jesus at night

25. John the Baptist tells more about Jesus

26. Herod puts John in prison

27. Jesus talks to a woman at the well

28. Jesus tells about the spiritual harvest

29. Many Samaritans believe in Jesus

30. Jesus preaches in Galilee

31. Jesus heals a government official’s son

32. Jesus is rejected at Nazareth

33. Four fishermen follow Jesus

34. Jesus teaches with great authority

35. Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law and many others

36. Jesus preaches throughout Galilee

37. Jesus provides a miraculous catch of fish

38. Jesus heals a man with leprosy

39. Jesus heals a paralyzed man

40. Jesus eats with sinners at Matthew’s house

41. Religious leaders ask Jesus about fasting

42. Jesus heals a lame man by a pool

43. Jesus claims to be the Son of God

44. Jesus supports his claim

45. The disciples pick wheat on the Sabbath

46. Jesus heals a man’s hand on the Sabbath

47. Large crowds follow Jesus

48. Jesus chooses the twelve disciples

49. Jesus gives the Beatitudes

50. Jesus teaches about salt and light

51. Jesus teaches about the law

52. Jesus teaches about anger

53. Jesus teaches about lust

54. Jesus teaches about divorce

55. Jesus teaches about vows

56. Jesus teaches about revenge

57. Jesus teaches about loving enemies

58. Jesus teaches about giving to the needy

59. Jesus teaches about prayer

60. Jesus teaches about fasting

61. Jesus teaches about money

62. Jesus teaches about worry

63. Jesus teaches about judging others

64. Jesus teaches about asking, looking, knocking

65. Jesus teaches about the way to heaven

66. Jesus teaches about fruit in people’s lives

67. Jesus teaches about building on a solid foundation

68. A Roman officer demonstrates faith

69. Jesus raises a widow’s son from the dead

70. Jesus eases John’s doubt

71. Jesus promises rest for the soul

72. A sinful woman anoints Jesus’ feet

73. Women accompany Jesus and the disciples

74. Religious leaders accuse Jesus of getting his power from Satan

75. Religious leaders ask Jesus for a miracle

76. Jesus describes his true family

77. Jesus tells the parable of the four soils

78. Jesus explains the parable of the four soils

79. Jesus tells the parable of the growing seed

80. Jesus tells the parable of the weeds

81. Jesus tells the parable of the mustard seed

82. Jesus tells the parable of the yeast

83. Jesus explains the parable of the weeds

84. Jesus tells the parable of hidden treasure

85. Jesus tells the parable of the pearl merchant

86. Jesus tells the parable of the fishing net

87. Jesus calms the storm

88. Jesus sends demons into a herd of pigs

89. Jesus heals a bleeding woman and restores a girl to life

90. Jesus heals the blind and mute

91. The people of Nazareth refuse to believe

92. Jesus urges the disciples to pray for workers

93. Jesus sends out the twelve disciples

94. Jesus prepares the disciples for persecution

95. Herod kills John the Baptist

96. Jesus feeds 5,000

97. Jesus walks on water

98. Jesus heals all who touch him

99. Jesus is the true bread from heaven

100. The people disagree that Jesus is from heaven

101. Many disciples desert Jesus

102. Jesus teaches about inner purity

103. Jesus sends a demon out of a girl

104. Jesus heals many people

105. Jesus feeds 4,000

106. Leaders demand a miraculous sign

107. Jesus warns against wrong teaching

108. Jesus restores sight to a blind man

109. Peter says Jesus is the Messiah

110. Jesus predicts his death the first time

111. Jesus is transfigured on the mountain

112. Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy

113. Jesus predicts his death the second time

114. Peter finds the coin in the fish’s mouth

115. The disciples argue about who would be the greatest

116. The disciples forbid another to use Jesus’ name

117. Jesus warns against temptation

118. Jesus warns against looking down on others

119. Jesus teaches how to treat a believer who sins

120. Jesus tells the parable of the unforgiving debtor

121. Jesus’ brothers ridicule him

122. Jesus teaches about the cost of following him

123. Jesus teaches openly at the Temple

124. Religious leaders attempt to arrest Jesus

125. Jesus forgives an adulterous woman

126. Jesus is the light of the world

127. Jesus warns of coming judgment

128. Jesus speaks about God’s true children

129. Jesus states he is eternal

130. Jesus sends out 72 messengers

131. The 72 messengers return

132. Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan

133. Jesus visits Mary and Martha

134. Jesus teaches his disciples about prayer

135. Jesus answers hostile accusations

136. Jesus warns against unbelief

137. Jesus teaches about the light within

138. Jesus criticizes the religious leaders

139. Jesus speaks against hypocrisy

140. Jesus tells the parable of the rich fool

141. Jesus warns about worry

142. Jesus warns about preparing for his coming

143. Jesus warns about coming division

144. Jesus warns about the future crisis

145. Jesus calls the people to repent

146. Jesus heals the crippled woman

147. Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of God

148. Jesus heals the man who was born blind

149. Religious leaders question the blind man

150. Jesus teaches about spiritual blindness

151. Jesus is the good shepherd

152. Religious leaders surround Jesus at the Temple

153. Jesus teaches about entering the Kingdom

154. Jesus grieves over Jerusalem

155. Jesus heals a man with swollen limbs

156. Jesus teaches about seeking honor

157. Jesus tells the parable of the great festival

158. Jesus teaches about the cost of being a disciple

159. Jesus tells the parable of the lost sheep

160. Jesus tells the parable of the lost coin

161. Jesus tells the parable of the lost son

162. Jesus tells the parable of the shrewd manager

163. Jesus tells about the rich man and the beggar

164. Jesus tells about forgiveness and faith

165. Lazarus becomes ill and dies

166. Jesus comforts Mary and Martha

167. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead

168. Religious leaders plot to kill Jesus

169. Jesus heals ten men with leprosy

170. Jesus teaches about the coming of the Kingdom of God

171. Jesus tells the parable of the persistent widow

172. Jesus tells the parable of two men who prayed

173. Jesus teaches about marriage and divorce

174. Jesus blesses the children

175. Jesus speaks to the rich young man

176. Jesus tells the parable of the vineyard workers

177. Jesus predicts his death the third time

178. Jesus teaches about serving others

179. Jesus heals a blind beggar

180. Jesus brings salvation to Zacchaeus’s home

181. Jesus tells the parable of the king’s ten servants

182. A woman anoints Jesus with perfume

183. Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a young donkey

184. Jesus clears the Temple again

185. Jesus explains why he must die

186. Most of the people do not believe in Jesus

187. Jesus summarizes his message

188. Jesus says the disciples can pray for anything

189. Religious leaders challenge Jesus’ authority

190. Jesus tells the parable of the two sons

191. Jesus tells the parable of the evil farmers

192. Jesus tells the parable of the wedding dinner

193. Religious leaders question Jesus about paying taxes

194. Religious leaders question Jesus about the Resurrection

195. Religious leaders question Jesus about the greatest commandment

196. Religious leaders cannot answer Jesus’ question

197. Jesus warns against the religious leaders

198. Jesus condemns the religious leaders

199. Jesus grieves over Jerusalem again

200. A poor widow gives all she has

201. Jesus tells about the future

202. Jesus tells about his return

203. Jesus tells about remaining watchful

204. Jesus tells the parable of the ten bridesmaids

205. Jesus tells the parable of the loaned money

206. Jesus tells about the final judgment

III. Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ


207. Religious leaders plot to kill Jesus

208. Judas agrees to betray Jesus

209. Disciples prepare for the Passover

210. Jesus washes the disciples’ feet

211. Jesus and the disciples share the Last Supper

212. Jesus predicts Peter’s denial

213. Jesus is the way to the Father

214. Jesus promises the Holy Spirit

215. Jesus teaches about the vine and the branches

216. Jesus warns about the world’s hatred

217. Jesus teaches about the Holy Spirit

218. Jesus teaches about using his name in prayer

219. Jesus prays for himself

220. Jesus prays for his disciples

221. Jesus prays for future believers

222. Jesus again predicts Peter’s denial

223. Jesus agonizes in the garden

224. Jesus is betrayed and arrested

225. Annas questions Jesus

226. Caiaphas questions Jesus

227. Peter denies knowing Jesus

228. The council of religious leaders condemns Jesus

229. Judas hangs himself

230. Jesus’ trial before Pilate

231. Jesus stands trial before Herod

232. Pilate hands Jesus over to be crucified

233. Roman soldiers mock Jesus

234. Jesus is led away to be crucified

235. Jesus is placed on the cross

236. Jesus dies on the cross

237. Jesus is laid in the tomb

238. Guards are posted at the tomb

239. Jesus rises from the dead

240. Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene

241. Jesus appears to the women

242. Religious leaders bribe the guards

243. Jesus appears to two believers traveling on the road

244. Jesus appears to his disciples